LPN Programs in ND

You’ll find colleges and universities in North Dakota offering LPN associate’s degree programs as well as LPN certificate programs. Both types of programs, as long as they are approved by the North Dakota Board of Nursing, provide the required education needed for licensure as a practical nurse in the state of North Dakota. Additional licensure requirements will also have to be completed. An LPN associate’s program will take two years to complete and an LPN certificate program will take about 12 months. There are benefits to each program and it is up to the student to decide which program will help them reach their professional and personal goals. A list of the approved LPN programs in North Dakota can be found below along with contact information.

Featured Programs:
Sponsored School(s)
Purdue Global Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees and Postgraduate Certificates in Nursing
Grand Canyon University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Online Nursing Degrees
Liberty University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing for the Registered Nurse
Walden University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Online Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Nursing Programs and Certificates

As a new applicant for LPN licensure by exam, the North Dakota Board of Nursing requires the completion of an in-state approved LPN program. An out of state LPN program that has been approved by that state’s board of nursing and provides the equivalent clinical experience time and the same curriculum requirements that have been set by the North Dakota Board of Nursing may also be acceptable.

Some common admission requirements for LPN programs in North Dakota include holding a high school diploma or its equivalent, ACT or SAT (at some schools), a criminal background check (if you have a felony it may impact your ability to complete the clinical conferences portion of the program) and some programs may require a minimum high school G.P.A. These are some frequently seen admission requirements, however, you will want to check with specific schools to get their most current admission requirements.

Some common topics covered in the LPN program curriculum and clinicals include clinical experiences in adult nursing, maternal and child nursing, psychiatric/mental health nursing, long term care nursing, home health nursing and clinic setting nursing. Classroom curriculum covers these topics as well as anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and basic nursing skills. Curriculum will also depend on if the program is an associate’s LPN program or a certificate LPN program.

LPN Salary, LPN Job Outlook and Employers of LPNs in North Dakota

The North Dakota Workforce Intelligence Network has provided wage data that shows LPNs in North Dakota make an average annual salary of $34,813 and an average hourly wage of $16.74. The average entry-level annual salary for an LPN in North Dakota is $29,103. These numbers are provided as an estimate of what someone would make as an LPN. The numbers will vary by facility type, education, experience and geographic location. The North Dakota Workforce Intelligence Network classifies the LPN profession as “In-Demand” and projects job growth for the LPN profession at 15.2% through 2018. Based on these numbers, for the right person, the time and financial investment in an LPN program could have a rewarding payoff.

Some of the companies in North Dakota that hire LPNs include Triumph Health Care, Western Horizons Care Center, Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Williston, MeritCare Health Systems, North Dakota State Hospital – DHS and Altru Health Systems. This is just a sampling of the facilities and organizations who employ LPNs in North Dakota. Learn more about these companies by visiting their websites as well as the job search websites.

Career advancement into professional nursing is very tangible for an LPN. LPN to RN programs are frequently found at colleges and universities as well as online. This is an exciting time to be joining the field of nursing.

Another exciting area of health care is Medical Assisting. Medical Assisting offers similar job growth projections as well as earnings. Check out the Medical Assistant programs in North Dakota to learn more.

Approved LPN Programs in North Dakota

Associate’s LPN Programs

North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th St N
Wahpeton ND 58075-3602
PH: (701) 671-2967
United Tribes Technical College
3315 University Dr
Bismarck ND 58504-7596
PH: (701) 255-3285
Dickinson State University
291 Campus Dr
Dickinson ND 58601-4896
PH: (701) 483-2133
Sitting Bull Community College
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538
PH: (701) 854-3861

Certificate LPN Programs

Lake Region State College
1801 N College Drive
Devils Lake, ND 58301
Phone (701) 662-1569
Bismarck State College
PO Box 5587
Bismarck, ND 58506-5587
Phone (800) 445-5073
Williston State College
PO Box 1326
Williston, ND 58801-1326
Phone (701) 774-4290
Minot State University-Bottineau
105 Simrall Boulevard
Bottineau, ND 58318-1198
Phone (800) 542-6866
Fort Berthold Community College
220 8th Ave N
PO Box 490
New Town, ND 58763
Phone (701) 627-4738

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