RN to MSN Bridge Programs in Washington

Three schools based in Washington offer RN to MSN or MN programs. There are multiple online RN to MSN options offered by accredited nursing schools based outside of Washington. Listed below are the RN to MSN programs offered in Washington along with specialization track options, accreditation information and contact information.

Featured Programs:
Sponsored School(s)
Purdue Global Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees and Postgraduate Certificates in Nursing
Grand Canyon University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Online Nursing Degrees
Liberty University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing for the Registered Nurse
Walden University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Online Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Nursing Programs and Certificates

Choosing to pursue an RN to MSN is a big decision that involves a significant time and financial commitment. The payoff can be well worth your time both financially and personally. The Washington Center for Nursing released their Update on the Washington State Nursing Workforce in April, 2009. According to the update there is a strong demand for nurses in all practice areas and job ads for nurses throughout Washington are quite prevalent. They also report that turnover has been high. Turnover may be due to job dissatisfaction and the aging nursing workforce in Washington. The average age of working nurses in Washington is 48.5 years old, which is higher than the national average. What all this means is that there is opportunity for master’s educated nurses in Washington and an RN to MSN program is a streamlined pathway to career advancement.

Job dissatisfaction due to frontline nurse managers has been a major reason for nurses leaving the workforce. Frontline managers with less than adequate training in areas of dispute resolution and human resource management has been frequently documented. Many thought leaders have voiced their support for more master’s educated nurse administrators and managers to fill frontline nurse manager positions with the expectation that job satisfaction for staff nurses will improve. Also, as floor nurses age the physical requirements of the job become too demanding. Many nurses have chosen to pursue their master’s in nursing so that they may have the opportunity to move into less physically demanding positions.

Nurses with specializations in education are in high demand as the state, its colleges and universities work toward solutions to the nursing shortage and nurse faculty shortage. Advanced practice nurses will continue to see demand for their services as health systems reform their methods of patient care and move toward more cost-effective strategies that involve advanced practice nurses. As you can see, there are many opportunities for the master’s educated nurse.

Online RN to MSN Programs Offered in Washington

It is no joke that RN to MSN programs are extremely focused and take about three years to complete, however, the personal and professional rewards can be very worthwhile. Learn more about the RN to MSN options offered in Washington by using the provided information to contact schools. If the RN to MSN program sounds like too much of a time commitment at this point, then pursuing an RN to BSN program in Washington may be a welcome alternative.

Schools Based in Washington Offering an RN to MSN Program

Pacific Lutheran University School of Nursing

The Entry-Level MSN program is designed for students with a bachelor’s degree in another field and who currently do not have a registered nursing license. The programs are CCNE accredited.

Programs Offered: Entry-Level MSN

Pacific Lutheran University School of Nursing,
Ramstad Building #214,
Tacoma, WA 98447,
Ph: 253-535-7672

University of Washington – Tacoma

CCNE accredited.

Programs Offered: RN to BSN

1900 Commerce St,
Tacoma WA 98402-3100,
PH: 253-692-4000

Washington State University – College of Nursing

CCNE accredited

Programs Offered: RN-MN – (Tracks: Community-Based/Population Focused Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (P/MHNP))

College of Nursing,
412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd.,
Spokane WA 99202,
PH: 509-324-7360

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