Nursing Schools in Tennessee
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- CNA Training Programs in Tennessee
- LPN Programs in Tennessee
- Associate’s Nursing Degrees (ADN) in Tennessee
- Baccalaureate Nursing Degrees (BSN) in Tennessee
- RN to BSN Programs in Tennessee
- RN to MSN Programs in Tennessee
- Master’s Nursing Programs in Tennessee
- Nurse Practitioner Programs in Tennessee
- DNP Programs in Tennessee
- Featured Nursing Schools in Tennessee
A study looking at the supply and demand for the nursing profession in Tennessee conducted by the Tennessee Hospital Association predicts that there will be a shortage of around 9,000 nurses in Tennessee by the year 2020. The Tennessee Department of Health and Human Services have released a more daunting number, stating a shortage of 36,305 nurses in the state by 2020!
Based on these findings, this means there is a great opportunity here for those interested in pursuing nursing as a career. It all begins with finding the right nursing program. It is critical to find a program approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing as a Practical Nurse or a Registered Nurse to be eligible for state licensure. To become a Certified Nurse Aide you must complete a Nurse Aide training that has been approved by the State of Tennessee Department of Health.
Organizations such as the Tennessee Center for Nursing, the Southern Regional Education Board, the Tennessee Board of Nursing and the Tennessee Hospital Association have been involved in developing solutions to the nursing faculty and nurse shortage in the state. Some proven strategies they are working on include filling the vacant faculty positions, developing new nursing programs and locating additional clinical sites. These strategies in turn are opening up additional spots at entry to nursing programs throughout the state of Tennessee. Explore more information regarding how to become a Nurse in Tennessee.
Online Nursing Schools in Tennessee
This is also an opportunity for registered nurses to seek an advanced nursing degree and pursue their career goals while not leaving their current professional nursing roles. Online RN to BSN and MSN programs have opened the doors to virtually any nursing professional desiring career ladder mobility whether they are located in rural Tennessee or in urban areas. Online nursing programs offer opportunity and flexibility. Online programs also allow more nurses to stay in the state of Tennessee, especially those in rural areas who may be considering leaving the state to attend a school offering a program of particular interest.
Tennessee Nursing Job Outlook and Salary Information
The job outlook for new nurses is very good in Tennessee with many jobs offering sign on bonuses and flexible work schedules. For those nurses holding advanced degrees in nursing the job outlook is even better, higher salaries, supervisor positions and opportunities to pursue an educator role or practitioner role. There has not been a better time to start or advance your nursing career in Tennessee.
According to the Tennessee Department of Labor January, 2009 salary report, the average annual salary for a registered nurse (RN) was $53.980 (based on a 40 hour work week) and the average annual salary for an LPN was $34,020. In Chattanooga, TN the average annual salary for an RN is $48,030. As you can see, an advanced degree in nursing can significantly up your earnings. These numbers will vary depending on experience, location and specialization. According to, as of 2/28/11, the average annual salary for RN job postings in the state of Tennessee was $67,000. Salaries will depend highly on location, facility, education and experience.
Campus Based Nursing Schools in TN
University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix offers accredited nursing degree programs at campuses nationwide including the following Tennessee cities: Chattanooga, Memphis, Franklin, and Nashville. The RN to BSN program offered at the Nashville location is approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Request information from University of Phoenix School to learn more.
South College
South College is located in Knoxville, TN. They offer a BSN program accredited by the NLNAC and approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing.
Associate’s Nursing Degree (ADN) Programs in Tennessee
Aquinas College 4210 Harding Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-297-7545 | Chattanooga State Technical Community College 4501 Amnicola Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37406 423-493-8740 | Cleveland State Community College 3535 Adkisson Drive, P.O. Box 3570 Cleveland, TN 37320-3570 423-472-7141 | Columbia State Community College 1665 Hampshire Pike Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-2600 |
Dyersburg State Community College 1510 Lake Road Dyersburg, TN 38024 731- 286-3390 | Freed-Hardeman University 158 East Main Street Henderson, TN 38340 731-989-6965 | Jackson State Community College 2046 North Parkway Jackson, TN 38301-3797 731- 425-2622 | Lincoln Memorial University 6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway Harrogate, TN 37752 800-325-0900 ext. 6324 |
Motlow State Community College 6015 Ledford Mills Rd., P.O. Box 8500 Lynchburg, TN 37352-8500 931-393-1628 | Northeast State Technical Community College 2425 Highway 75, P. O. Box 246 Blountville, TN 37617-0246 423-354-5108 | Roane State Community College 276 Patton Lane Harriman, TN 37748 865-882-4605 | Southern Adventist University P.O. Box 370; 5010 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2940 |
Southwest Tennessee Community College 301 Walnut Street Memphis, TN 38126 901-333-5425 | Tennessee State University 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209-1561 615-963-5251 | Walters State Community College 500 S. Davy Crockett Parkway Morristown, TN 37813 423-585-6981 |
(Source: Tennessee Board of Nursing)
Baccalaureate (BSN) Programs Approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing
Belmont University School of Nursing
Belmont University School of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The BSN and MSN programs are approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing.
Programs Offered: BSN, Accelerated BSN, MSN – (Tracks: Family Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator), Post-Master’s Certificate – (Options: Family Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator)
Belmont University School of Nursing,
1900 Belmont Blvd,
Nashville, TN 37212-3757
South College
South College is located in Knoxville, TN. They offer a BSN program accredited by the NLNAC and approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing.
Austin Peay State University P.O. Box 4658; 681 Summer St. Clarksville, TN 37040 931-221-7710 | Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences 1003 Monroe Avenue Memphis, TN 38104 901-575-2468 | Belmont University 1900 Belmont Boulevard Nashville, TN 37212-3757 615-460-6100 | Bethel University 325 Cherry Avenue McKenzie, TN 38201 731-352-6757 |
Carson-Newman College 1646 Russell Avenue Jefferson City, TN 37760 865-471-3425 | Cumberland University One Cumberland Square Lebanon, TN 37087 615-547-1215 | East Tennessee State University P.O. Box 70617 Johnson City, TN 37614 423-439-7051 | Fisk University – Vanderbilt Partnership Program 1000 17th Avenue North, 319 Dubois Hall Nashville, TN 37208-3051 615-329-2197 |
King College 1350 King College Road Bristol, TN 37620 423-652-4748 | Lincoln Memorial University 6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway Harrogate, TN 37752 800-325-0900 ext. 6324 | Lipscomb University – Vanderbilt Nursing Partnership Program One University Park Drive Nashville, TN 37204-3951 615-966-1000 | Martin Methodist College 433 West Madison Street Pulaski, TN 38478 931-424-4663 |
Middle Tennessee State University 1301 East Main Street Murfreesboro, TN 37132 615-898-2437 | Milligan College P. O. Box 500 Milligan College, TN 37682 423-461-8655 | South College 3904 Lomas Drive Knoxville, TN 37909 865-251-1800 | Southern Adventist University P.O. Box 370; 5010 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2940 |
Tennessee State University 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209-1561 615-963-5251 | Tennessee Technological University 805 Quadrangle Drive Cookeville, TN 38505 931-372-3203 | Tennessee Weslyan College 9821 Cogdill Road, Suite 2 Knoxville, TN 37932 865-777-5100 | Trevecca Nazarene University– Belmont Partnership Program 333 Murfreesboro Road Nashville, TN 37210-2877 615-248-1540 |
Union University 1050 Union University Drive Jackson, TN 38305 731-661-5200 | University of Memphis 610 Goodman, Newport 100 Memphis, TN 38152 901-678-2003 | The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 615 McCallie Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37403 423-425-4644 | The University of Tennessee at Knoxville 1200 Volunteer Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37996 865-974-4151 |
The University of Tennessee at Martin 538 University Street, Gooch Hall 136 Martin, TN 38238 731- 881-7138 | The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing 877 Madison Avenue, Suite 620 Memphis, TN 38163 901-448-6135 |
(Sources: Tennessee Board of Nursing, Projection of Supply and Demand for Nurses in Tennessee: 2002-2020 – Tennessee Center for Nursing and the Tennessee Hospital Association, July, 2001)