Nursing Schools in Maine – ME
Select an area of interest to find schools:
- CNA Programs in Maine
- Practical Nursing Programs in Maine
- ADN and BSN Programs Approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing
- RN to BSN Programs in Maine
- RN to MSN Programs in Maine
- Nursing Master’s Degree Programs in Maine
- Nurse Practitioner Programs in Maine
- DNP Programs in Maine
- Featured Maine Nursing Schools Offering Post-Licensure Programs
Maine has been hit hard by the nursing shortage affecting the country. According to the labor department, there are nearly 1,100 nursing vacancies in Maine. By the year 2020, that number is expected to grow to more than 5,200. Nursing schools in Maine have seen an increase in applications however, the 13 nursing schools in Maine have had to turn away hundreds of qualified applicants because there are not enough nursing faculty and not enough classroom space. RN to BSN degrees in Maine have become a hot commodity and the nursing school applicant pool has become very competitive.
Pre-Licensure Registered Nursing candidates have quite a few options to consider when deciding on a nursing program including pursuing an ADN or a BSN. To learn more about these options and the application process, read the article Becoming a Nurse in Maine.
Online Nursing Schools in Maine
Our goal is to help alleviate the nursing shortage in Maine as well as offer an alternative to earning a nursing degree on campus. We feature online nursing schools that are CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education) accredited. These online nursing schools are comparable in cost per credit to campus based programs, offer flexible course schedules and avoid waitlists or being turned away by campus based programs. The clinical component is arranged by the school and a facility, most often, in your local vicinity. Courses offered through these online schools include LPN to BSN, RN to BSN and a variety of MSN programs including a nurse educator certificate program and a family nurse practitioner program. So whether you live in Portland, Bangor, Auburn there is a program that will work for you.
Maine Nursing Job Outlook and Salary Information
“With the nursing shortage in Maine, new graduates are finding that they have their choice of nursing jobs. Many hospitals are offering living expenses, educational advancement reimbursement, transportation, sign on bonuses and more.” That’s how things did sound a few years ago. Now newly graduated nurses in Maine are finding it a bit more difficult to land those jobs. This is primarily driven by the economic downturn that the country saw over the last few years. Older nurses did not retire when they were projected to and retired nurses returned to work. As the country makes its way out of this economic conundrum, entry level nursing positions will once again present themselves to new nursing schools graduates in the state of Maine.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the median annual salary for a staff RN in Portland, Maine is $57,737. This number will vary depending on specialization and experience, but well above the national average for a registered nurse. At Parkview Hospital in Brunswick the average annual salary for a registered nurse is $56,000.

St. Joseph’s College of Maine
St. Joseph’s College of Maine offers an RN to BSN program online. The program is accredited by the CCNE and is approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing.

Maine State Board of Nursing Approved Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Programs
Central Maine Community College 1250 Turner Street Auburn, ME 04210 755-5408 FAX: 755-5496 | Central Maine Medical Center 70 Middle Street Lewiston, ME 04240 795-2840 FAX: 795-2849 | Eastern Maine Community College 354 Hogan Road Bangor, ME 04401 974-4657 FAX: 974-4608 | Kennebec Valley Community College 92 Western Avenue Fairfield, ME 04937-1367 453-5167 |
Northern Maine Community College 33 Edgemont Drive Presque Isle, ME 04769-2099 768-2749 | Southern Maine Community College Fort Road So. Portland, ME 04106 767-9590 | University of Maine at Augusta 46 University Drive Augusta, ME 04330-9410 621-3469 | University of New England 716 Stevens Avenue Portland, ME 04103 797-7688 Ext. 4476 |
Maine State Board of Nursing Approved Nursing Baccalaureate (BSN) Programs
Husson College/E.M.M.C. 1 College Circle Bangor, ME 04401-2999 941-7191 RN to BSN program RN to MSN program | St. Joseph’s College 278 Whites Bridge Road Standish, ME 04084-5263 893-7970 | University of Maine 5724 Dunn Hall, Room 217 Orono, ME 04469-5724 581-2592 RN to BSN program RN to MSN program MSN Post-master’s certificate for FNP | University of Maine at Fort Kent 23 University Drive Fort Kent, ME 04743-1292 834-7830 RN-BSN program |
University of Southern Maine 96 Falmouth Street P.O. Box 9300 Portland, ME 04104-9300 780-4505 RN to BS program RN to MS program |