Alabama CNA Training Programs

Nurse aide or nursing assistant training in Alabama is offered through nursing facilities, vocational/technical colleges and community colleges in Alabama. CNA training programs are 12 weeks or less and usually do not require the applicant to hold a high school diploma or GED. High school students in Alabama can take nursing assistant classes while still attending high school, so that they will be prepared for CNA jobs after high school graduation. CNA training programs in Alabama cost around $1000 dollars for everything including supplies.

Make sure the nurse aide training program you choose is approved by the Alabama Department of Health. This can easily be done when contacting programs to request application information or selecting one of the approved programs below. An approved program should meet the long term care nursing assistant training requirements of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), which require 75 hours of specific training materials be covered. Nursing facilities often offer free CNA training classes as long as the CNA signs on to work for a specified amount of time after completing the CNA training and certification exam. Check the local newspapers for job postings that include Nurse Aide training.

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CNA programs usually incorporate CPR certification as well as instruction for taking vitals, basic clinical nursing skills, basic patient care training, medical terminology, control of infection and nursing facility related skills.

CNAs in Alabama must successfully pass a written and skills exam prior to certification and working as a CNA. Successfully completing one of the programs listed below will make you eligible to sit for the certification exam. Read the How to Become a CNA in Alabama article to learn more about nurse aide certification in Alabama including exam contact information and more.

The CNA position is an entry level health care job, that often is a stepping stone to becoming a registered nurse or related health care professional. Health Care Administration or Management Degrees are also an excellent way to enter the business side of health care. Medical Assisting is another popular health care pathway and most online medical assistant programs can be completed in as little as 6 months. The rapidly growing field of health care needs educated businessmen and women.

You may also be interested in LPN programs offered in Alabama or the Medical Assistant schools in Alabama. Find career, school and salary information for these two rapidly growing fields of health care.

Nurse Aide Training Programs in Alabama

Easter Seals Central Alabama
2125 E. South Boulevard
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
PH: 334-288-0240 Ext. 229
Gadsden State Community College
Division of Health Sciences
P.O. Box 227
Gadsden, AL 35902-0227
PH: 256-549-8200
J. F. Drake State Technical College
3421 Meridian Street
North Huntsville, Alabama 35810-7439
PH: 888-413-7253
American Red Cross
Madison/Marshall County Chapter
1101 Washington Street, NW
Huntsville, AL 35801-5417
PH: 256-536-0084
Reid State Technical College
I65 And Hwy 83
Evergreen, AL 36401
PH: 251-578-1313
Shelton State Community College
9500 Old Greensboro Road
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
PH: 205-391-3972
Southern Union State Community College
1701 Lafayette Parkway
Opelika, AL 36801
Wadley and Valley locations as well
PH: 334-745-6437
Lawson State Community College
3060 Wilson Road
Birmingham, AL 35221
PH: 205-925-2515
Nursing Assistant Program also @ Bessemer Campus
Trenholm State Technical College
1225 Air Base Blvd.
Montgomery, AL 36108
PH: 334-420-4415

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