RN to BSN Programs in Maine

The RN to BSN degree is designed for registered nurses that have have graduated from associate and diploma nursing programs. Many of the RN to BSN tracks offered online as well as those based at colleges and universities in Maine will offer credit toward a degree based on work experience and previous education. Certain general education and pre-requisites may be required as part of the RN to BSN program. Request information from the schools below to learn more about the schools, programs and credits available.

Most working RNs have found that online or distance RN to BSN programs are more flexible than attending classes on campus and allow for a smoother transition when returning to school. The curriculum, course materials and costs are identical in most cases.

Job Outlook and Salaries for Nurses with a BSN

The increased complexities in nursing care have lead many employers in Maine, as well as other states, to hire baccalaureate educated nurses instead of associate degree or diploma educated nurses. The same goes for practical nursing, many employers have moved away from hiring LPNs and toward hiring BSN educated nurses. The BSN educated nurse has proven their commitment to the nursing field as well as demonstrated their competence by completing a rigorous program.

The job outlook in Portland, Bangor, York, and other cities throughout Maine looks excellent with multiple job openings for BSN educated nurses. Recent graduates of RN to BSN programs in MAine have found employment in hospitals, with travel nursing companies, hospice, home health agencies, private practices, and other health care related organizations.

The correlation between education and salary is evident in the recent graduates of RN to BSN programs being presented opportunities for advancement and specializations by their employers. As would be expected, advancement and specialization correlate to higher salaries. Recent nursing salary research found that registered nurses with a BSN earn roughly six thousand dollars a year more than associate degree or diploma educated nurses. Experience, position, employer, and location could play a significant factors in salary figures.

Nursing Schools Offering RN to BSN Programs in Maine and Online

Learn more about RN to BSN programs in Maine by requesting information from these Nationally accredited schools. You might also be interested in the RN to MSN programs in Maine.

Featured Programs:
Sponsored School(s)
Purdue Global Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees and Postgraduate Certificates in Nursing
Grand Canyon University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Online Nursing Degrees
Liberty University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing for the Registered Nurse
Seton Hall University Visit School's Website
Selected Program:
  • Ranked #15 in Best Online Master's in Nursing Program by US News, Seton Hall University offers two fully online Nurse Practitioner programs: Adult Gerontology with Acute and Primary Tracks and Psychiatric Mental Health.

Schools Based in Maine Offering an RN to BSN Program

Husson College

Programs Offered: Master of Science in Nursing – Family and Community Nurse Practitioner

The MSN programs at Husson College are CCNE accredited.

Husson College
1 College Circle
Bangor, ME 04401-2999
PH: 941-7191

University of Maine

Programs Offered: RN to BSN Program offered and approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing and accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

The University of Miane – School of Nursing
5724 Dunn Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5724
PH: 207-581-2592

University of Maine – Fort Kent

Programs Offered: RN to BSN Track offered on campus and online. This program can be completed in two years if prerequisites and support courses have previously been completed. Articulation agreement option. Program is accredited by the Maine State Board of Nursing.

University of Maine at Fort Kent
23 University Drive
Fort Kent, ME 04743
Ph: 1-888-879-8635

University of Southern Maine

Programs Offered:Adult Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist & Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Leader, and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

College of Nursing and Health Professions
University of Southern Maine
Lewiston-Auburn College
51 Westminster Street
Lewiston, Maine 04240
PH: 207-753-6552

University of New England

Programs Offered: Master’s of Nurse Anesthesia

The nursing programs at the University of New England are accredited by The National League for Nursing (NLN) and approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing.

University of New England (two campus locations)

University Campus
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005
PH: 207-283-0171

Westbrook College Campus
716 Stevens Ave.
Portland, ME 04103
PH: 207-797-7261

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